Today, more and more companies are switching to CRM software. Along with this decision comes the challenge of transferring all the existing data that the company has collected over the years of its activity. Their incredibly large number can scare even the bravest manager. Relax, just pay attention to a few points on our checklist and the whole process will be much easier.
CRM Migration – what is it?
Let’s start with what CRM migration actually is. In the very simplest words, it is a transfer of data contained in the old CRM software to a new CRM tool or from an on-premise solution to the cloud. Does this mean that all data should be transferred unconditionally? Not necessarily, but we’ll talk about that shortly.
What kind of data does the company have? Most often it is customer data, correspondence, contracts, scheduled meetings, notes. All of them represent the greatest business value for the CRM system. Follow our tips on how to properly migrate data to CRM, and you will forget about the stress associated with this venture.
1. Prepare your team
Make sure your team is aware of the upcoming changes. Your employees will be necessary to reorganize the structure of your data, advise you on what to keep and what not. Of course, we cannot forget that they will be the closest CRM users, so they must be convinced that the application meets their needs.
2. Do the necessary research
Before moving your data to a new CRM system, carefully analyze the functioning of the previous system. Based on this, you can determine which options you no longer need and which options you could add. We are sure that you will find data that does not need to be transferred to the new CRM system. This saves you time and money.
3. Maintain data continuity
Remember that you need to transfer data in its entirety. The data mapping process is one of the more complicated processes in data migration to CRM. It is important not to forget about the smallest elements of our drives. Let’s assume that your customer has a range of data in three different folders. In order to keep a complete picture of the services you provide for him, you need to make sure that you move them all when migrating the data.
4. Check before you migrate
Some older CRM solutions will not be compatible with the newer CRM version you choose. So don’t be surprised if some of the fields or tabs are not available or look slightly different. Do your research beforehand to avoid stress and to prepare accordingly.
5. Take your time
Even the most well-coordinated team can overlook important data or make a mistake in a hurry. That is why it is so important to plan well and look at all aspects of data migration. Double check if you are sure your company needs the old contacts of companies you haven’t worked with for years or if you can’t further streamline the processes you have always used. This will take time, but it will give you a fresh and smooth start afterwards.